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Heirloom Collection
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Realized in tonal blues, greens and greys, Leila’s petite diamond grid adds an inviting layer of sophistication to interiors. Hand-knotted from sumptuous wool, this exquisite rug has the versatility to act as a feature or serve as a tonal backdrop.
Areas of Use
Living RoomDining RoomBedroom

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Our rugs lie lightly on this earth.

At Armadillo we are curators of a broad and timeless collection that is nuanced, refined and ever-evolving. Our rugs are handmade by true artisans, keeping an ancient lineage of craftsmanship alive. By our very nature, we are tenaciously individual, boldly disruptive and fearlessly creative. We are a truly sustainable company — for the good of the world we live in and all who journey with us.

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